"Live On The Farm" Acoustic-Based 
House Concert Series - Fall 2017

8PM SAT OCT 14 Rob Europe w/Julia King

8PM SAT NOV 11 Astronauto w/ Claire Raby
8PM SAT DEC 09 Free Grass Union  w/ special guests

Mick Hargreaves opening set at all shows

$15 Suggested Donation. Some snacks, beverages provided; guests are welcome to BYOB and/or dish to pass.

RSVP a must to receive location & directions:
info@lanternsoundrecordingrig.com / studio 631-909-3424
Facebook Event Pages

SAT 10/14 https://www.facebook.com/events/492416714446105/
SAT 11/11 https://www.facebook.com/events/1319921714801009/
SAT 12/09 https://www.facebook.com/events/124809424935665/